Sunday, September 7, 2008


I really don't know what is wrong with me.
I'm trying to do stuff that makes me happy and the last time I check it was working and going to school. Feeling like I'm futhering myself. So I'm not happy around my friends, considering there are few of them that I can trust. Hm "Friends". I'm not happy with work or school. It really scares me how my mood changes from onw hour to the next. I literally was fine like an hour ago. Now? My mother asked me if I wanted something to eat and I mopily said no!!! WTF. Wm I that insane. Of course I want her to get me something. Why do I always have to act like a martyr.

I need to go to bed

Friday, September 5, 2008


wow wow wow busy as heck tonight at work
as soon as i got off i was like see ya bitches
homework time tonighttttt :)

heard some u2 tonight and it made me smile

Thursday, September 4, 2008

1st time

Here I go!
I'm missing my best friends that i rarely or don't see anymore dearlly. Work and school are controlling my mind so that all I want to do is sleep. However, through all this I am happy. I'm starting to wonder if it's because I thrive on stress, or am I just delusional. Hah.

Today started out insane and I left monique's house without shoes to go buy single ciagrettes from a dinky gas station with Dave. Man...then I slept all day until I had to work. Hm, I suppose this was okay, but I skipped school. mow I'm feeling increasingly guilty. I want to throw myself at my teacher's feet and apologize.

I'm a sucker.
I'm tired, but I'm going to go read my art book and pass the hell out.
Oo and I also bought Breaking Dawn today.
This may be a long night interacting with the characters in the book. (How pathetic am I?)

until tomorrow....